domingo, 8 de junio de 2008

The time. (Review). 1º, 2º ESO.

Activity 1.

Study the time in English. Look for clocks in the Net and write ten different times.

It´s quarter past seven.

Activity 2.
Say at what time you do six different routines and add photos.


I watch TV at four o´clock.

Activity 3.

Find six monumental clocks and say where they are.


In London.

miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2008

1º y 2º de ESO. (Alumnos con fichas).

Activity 1.

Find photographs and write the names of six animals and their babies.


CAT ...............KITTEN

Activity 2.

Find the photos of five strange animals and describe them.


This dog is fat.

Activity 3.

Say where four animals live and add a photo.


Tigers live in the forest.

Send to:

martes, 13 de mayo de 2008


Activity 1.

Write in English the next comparisons or superlatives:

- El palacio es más grande que la casa.

- Mi amiga es la más bonita.

- La película es más cara que el juego.

- Mi primo es el más alto.

Activity 2.

Look for pictures in the web and write comparisons.


The car is more expensive than the bycicle.

Activity 3.

Correct the sentences and add photos to illustrate them.

Ex.: The whale is the most big animal.
The whale is the biggest animal.

a.- The Everest is the most high mountain.

b.- A rose is beautifuler than a carnation.

c.- Cristiano Ronaldo is more fast than Ronaldinho.

d.- Maxi Iglesias is the interestingest actor in Antena 3.

Activity 4.

Translate the four sentences in activity 3 into Spanish.

a.- ______________________________________________
b.- ______________________________________________
c.- ______________________________________________
d.- ______________________________________________

Send the activities to:

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2008

The Mummy´s Secret. (By Burlington Books). Chapter 8.

Activity 1.

1. Answer the next questions.
1. Why does Katie want to go home? ________________________
2. Who has got a plan? __________________________________
3. What is Amiris´ second job? ____________________________
4. What does Amiris do to hunt animals? _____________________

Activity 2.

Have a look at the USEFUL LINKS, (Slavery in Antiquity), and answer the next questions:
1. What two other civilizations had slaves? ________________________________
2. What labour did slaves do? _________________________________________
3. What sacred book tells us about Joseph and about slavery in Egypt? ____________

Activity 3.

Find the name of this job in the text.


miércoles, 16 de abril de 2008

The Mummy´s Secret. (By Burlington Books). Chapter 7. 1º ESO.

Activity 1.

Listen to these four questions and answer them.

1 _____________________________

2 _____________________________

3 _____________________________

4 _____________________________

Activity 2.

Correct these sentences:

1. The golden bird pecks Merton´s nose.


2. The golden bird is sitting on the table next to the door.


3. The Wise Sage wants to be the Prime Minister.


4. The Wise Sage doesn´t like money.


Activity 3.

Which of these birds is the Wise Sage´s? A, B or C...?

Answer: ______

Activity 4.

Look in Internet for a picture of a bird. Send it to me and tell me the five main parts of the body of a bird.

1 Wings 2 _______ 3 ________ 4 ________ 5 _________

miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2008

The Mummy´s Secret. (By Burlington Books). Chapter 5. 1º ESO.

Activity 1.

Listen to the teacher and say if the sentences are TRUE or FALSE.

Sentence 1 __
Sentence 2 __
Sentence 3 __
Sentence 4 __

Activity 2.

Order the sentences and translate them into Spanish:



Activity 3.

Answer the questions:

In which continent is Egypt? ________
How many people live in Egypt today? _______
What is the main river in Egypt? _______

Activity 4.

Find the names of these pictures in Chapter 5.




martes, 5 de febrero de 2008

The Mummy´s Secret. (By Burlington Books). Chapter 3. 1º ESO.

Activity 1.

Match A an B.
1. Dream.
2. Laughing.
3. Dark.
4. Noise.
5. Smoke.

a. You are happy.
b. You are in bed.
c. There isn´t any silence.
d. There isn´t any light.
e. There is a fire.

Eg. 1-b _____ _____ _____ _____

Activity 2.

Look for a verb in the text to describe these photos.





Activity 3

Please, send me a map of Egypt.

viernes, 25 de enero de 2008

The Mummy´s Secret. (By Burlington Books). Chapter 2. 1º ESO.

Activity 1.
Write the female for all these family names:


Activity 2.
Find the names of these objects in the text.




Activity 3.
Answer the questions. Please, write short answers.

Is uncle Merton fat? ____________________
Is uncle Merton tall?____________________
Can Katie open the cupboard? _____________
What is uncle Merton´s job? ______________
Does uncle Merton work in a factory?________

Activity 4.
Send me a photograph of an Egyptian collection.

miércoles, 16 de enero de 2008

"The Mummy´s Secret". (By Burlington Books). Chapter 1. 1º ESO.

Activity 1.

Find in the text words with the same meaning of:
divine __

Activity 2.

Look for some information abaut a "Pharaoh" in the Wikipedia and answer the questions:
- In which country does a Pharaoh Live? ______
- What two colours is the crown of a pharaoh? _____

Activity 3.

Send me a photo of a Pharaoh.

Important: Don´t forget to write your names at the end of the exercises.